Hoosier Hills Fiber Festival

A celebration of fiber arts and old-time artisan skills!
2025 Dates: Friday, June 6 & Saturday, June 7
Vendor Set Up Information
Important Times To Note:
Set Up Times:
Thursday from 2 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Friday from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m.
(all vehicles must be out of the foot traffic area by 10 a.m.)
Saturday Restock: 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.
Show Times:
Friday from 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (building locked at 5:45)
Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (building open at 8 for vendors)
Saturday Tear Down:
Saturday from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. If you don't think you can be done by 6:30 p.m. please let us know in advance.
​Our vendors provide finished goods, raw fibers, supplies, and tools, all related to the fiber art world and old-time artisan skills. If you have any questions as to your suitability for our festival, please contact us at: VendorHHFF@gmail.com
All applications are reviewed by the HHFF Vendor Committee before they are accepted. Vendors are accepted as-needed to create a diverse festival. ​
Set Up & Tear Down:
Booth Set-up: Your booth setup must be such that customers remain within your booth boundaries while shopping in your booth. We are no longer able to supply tables and chairs.
Please remember that there are many vendors utilizing a few doors. Please be courteous and do not back directly up to the door. Quickly unload then move your vehicle before setting up your booth. No vehicles or trailers may be pulled into the building.
Parking: ​​
Please ask at the Welcome Center about our vendor trailer parking area.
Tear Down:
Saturday, tear down begins at 4:00 p.m. You may not tear down early. Early tear down may result in a refusal of future vendor application. Booths must be cleared by 6:30 p.m. Pack your booth before you move your vehicle to load it. Please respect other vendors who are also trying to get home after a long weekend.
Fairgrounds and Booth Information:
Restrooms: Restrooms are in Scott Hall and Herring Hall, we will also have port-a-lets on site near Magill Hall.
Pets: No pets are allowed on the fairgrounds except in the campground area. Service animals are always welcome.
Camping: We were informed by the fairgrounds that those who would like to camp at the fairgrounds can work directly with the office. Reservations are recommended but not required: Call 317-738-3247 and press option 3.
Business Information:
Sales tax: Sales tax is 7% in Indiana. Each vendor is responsible for collecting it and sending it to the Indiana Dept. of Revenue. Information is available at: https://inbiz.in.gov/taxes-fees/ https://www.in.gov/access/index.html
All vendors are required to collect sales tax and remit it to the DOR.
Insurance: Vendors are required and are responsible for providing their own insurance. Neither Hoosier Hills Fiber Festival, Inc. nor any member of the board [nor any volunteer] accepts any responsibility for loss, theft, damage, etc.
Door Prize:
Please consider donating an item to be given out as a Door Prize, you are welcome to attach advertisements promoting your business to your item, in fact we encourage it!
Competitions & Fleece Sale:
Fiber arts competitions are paused for this year as we work to evaluate their presence at the festival.
Fleece Sale is still happening!!! https://www.hoosierhillsfiberfestival.com/fleece-sale